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    Blog Category // Value-Based Selling

    Webinar: why salespeople cannot rely on generic value propositions

    According to marketers, every company needs a clear and consistent “value proposition” for every significant offering – and ...

    How can anyone sell value without values?

    I recently participated in a webinar with LeveragePoint on the subject of “establishing a value-centric culture in your B2B ...

    Getting the right people on your sales bus

    In his widely acclaimed Good to Great, Jim Collins shows that lastingly great organisations pay particular attention to not ...

    Is your differentiation based on features or outcomes?

    It’s a fundamental principle of value-based selling that whenever a prospective customer is unable to establish any ...

    Familiar vs. Unfamiliar Purchases

    Sales consultants often make the distinction between transactional and complex sales. Transactional sales - whatever their ...

    8 steps to positioning your strategic business value

    In complex B2B sales environments - particularly ones that involve multiple stakeholders and lengthy and often complicated ...

    Avoiding death by stovepipes [guest post]

    As anyone who has worked with me or read my articles, I am passionate about ensuring that sales and marketing are aligned in ...

    The Buyer’s Journey: Why Change? > What To? > Why You?

    It’s awfully hard for many sales people to resist the “itch to pitch” when they come across a prospect that seems a perfect ...

    Why it's time to STOP "Adding Value"

    It’s probably the most commonly proposed response to price pressures and commoditisation: if we’re not prepared to cut our ...

    The fundamental principles of value-based selling

    It’s a sad fact that today’s average B2B sales person is still far more comfortable talking about their products than they ...