Conversation Management Tools
- Customer-Specific Value Proposition Framework
- Value-Creating Conversation Planning Workbook
- SPINCycle Question Workbook
- Frequently Asked Questions Workbook
- Anecdote Framework
The Outcome-Centric Selling® Academy Syllabus includes the following courses:
Each course is supported by simple, appropriate, customisable, sales tools that are designed to ensure that salespeople and sales managers are fully equipped to put the principles of Outcome-Centric Selling into practice on a day-to-day basis.
Our newly-launched Online Outcome-Centric Selling® Academy offers best-practice-based self-paced training to both individual salespeople and entire sales organisations - including access to our customisable Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit ...
We recognize that organizations need options, and so our Outcome-Centric Selling Academy syllabus can be delivered in multiple forms:
Individual salespeople can sign-up for the on-demand self-paced training. Sales organizations can mix-and-match the different formats as they see fit, for example combining on-demand training with live on-line workshops to review and reinforce the key concepts as a group.
Whichever delivery method is chosen, participants will have access to the full set of relevant sales tools to enable them to put the principles they have just learned into practice.
The complete Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit includes the following customisable elements.
These tools are available to everyone that has participated in a relevant training course - whether on-demand, on-line or on-site:
You'll receive an email confirmation by return. BTW, the system uses a 24-HOUR CLOCK - i.e., 03:00 equals 3am in your local timezone (and not 3pm).
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