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We seek lasting relationships with our clients rather than one-off engagements, and we recognize that we need to earn the right to be regarded as trusted advisers and long-term business partners.
Having helped our clients to evaluate their sales organization and salespeople and identify their priorities for development and having trained their sales teams to improve their core selling competencies, our focus typically then turns to equipping and enabling them to establish ongoing programs that drive continuous improvement in their organizations' sales effectiveness.
In addition to helping them tailor our Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit to reflect their specific business environment and guiding them in how to customize their CRM and sales enablement systems we also often hold regular group workshops, as well as 1:1 coaching and mentoring programs for both salespeople and managers.
We recognize the importance of clear and compelling messaging, and we often find ourselves collaborating with our client’s marketing teams to develop clearly differentiated positions based on establishing how and why they are distinctively different from their prospect’s alternative options - and then proving how this leads to distinctively better business outcomes.
We are also frequently asked to act as a “sounding board” for our client’s executive leadership when it comes to the long-term development of their sales organization, as well as helping them to implement recruitment programs that attract and evaluate the top sales talent they need to grow their sales teams.


Outcome-Centric Sales Tools

Sales Tools

No matter how clear and effective the initial training, it is unlikely to be retained and applied unless it is supported with regular reminders and reinforcement - and that’s where our unique Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit is so valuable.

The Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of simple yet highly effective planning, targeting, opportunity management, conversation management and sales process design tools, together with a growing family of eBooks and Guides.

The checklists, frameworks, templates, worksheets, and workbooks can all be customized to reflect your organization’s specific sales environment - and the completed documents can easily be attached to the relevant sales opportunity in your CRM.

NEW: Our Online, OnDemand Outcome-Centric Selling® Academy

Our newly-launched Online Outcome-Centric Selling® Academy offers best-practice-based self-paced training to both individual salespeople and entire sales organisations - including access to our customisable Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit ...

Technology Partners

Technology also plays a key role in enabling sales effectiveness. We are pleased to be an Impact Partner of Membrain - the only software named as a G2 Crowd High Performer in each of the CRM, Sales Performance Management, Sales Coaching and Sales Enablement categories.

We also have close connections with many other sales enablement platforms - both emerging and established.

Find out More - Book a Call


Would you like to learn more about Outcome-Centric Selling®, and explore its potential in your own sales organisation? Here's how to book a call:

  1. Start by selecting a date in the panel on the right
  2. Then choose how long you want to meet for
  3. Then choose your local timezone under "what time works best"
  4. Then choose a time for our call
  5. Then provide your details

You'll receive an email confirmation by return. BTW, the system uses a 24-HOUR CLOCK - i.e., 03:00 equals 3am in your local timezone (and not 3pm).


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