Conversation Management Tools
- Customer-Specific Value Proposition Framework
- Value-Creating Conversation Planning Workbook
- SPINCycle Question Workbook
- Frequently Asked Questions Workbook
- Anecdote Framework
No matter how clear and effective the initial training, it is unlikely to be retained and applied unless it is supported with regular reminders and reinforcement - and that’s where our unique Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit is so valuable.
The Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of simple yet highly effective planning, targeting, opportunity management, conversation management and sales process design tools, together with a growing family of eBooks and Guides.
The checklists, frameworks, templates, worksheets, and workbooks can all be customized to reflect your organization’s specific sales environment - and the completed documents can easily be attached to the relevant sales opportunity in your CRM.
The complete Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit includes the following customisable elements.
These tools are available to everyone that has participated in a relevant training course - whether on-demand, on-line or on-site:
Our newly-launched Online Outcome-Centric Selling® Academy offers best-practice-based self-paced training to both individual salespeople and entire sales organisations - including access to our customisable Outcome-Centric Selling® Toolkit ...
Technology also plays a key role in enabling sales effectiveness. We are pleased to be an Impact Partner of Membrain - the only software named as a G2 Crowd High Performer in each of the CRM, Sales Performance Management, Sales Coaching and Sales Enablement categories.
We also have close connections with many other sales enablement platforms - both emerging and established.
Would you like to learn more about Outcome-Centric Selling®, and explore its potential in your own sales organisation? Here's how to book a call:
You'll receive an email confirmation by return. BTW, the system uses a 24-HOUR CLOCK - i.e., 03:00 equals 3am in your local timezone (and not 3pm).
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