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3 Rings-1


Many business leaders are concerned that their current sales organization may not be delivering at the level it should - and almost all believe that they could do better. It can be tempting to think that simply implementing a training program will provide the answer.
Unfortunately, simply focusing on skills or technique rarely has the hoped-for impact. Organizations need to identify the root causes of under-performance before they can hope to address them.
That’s why we strongly recommend, before embarking on any sales development initiative, that our clients start by evaluating their existing sales organization using OMG’s Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis in order to more clearly understand:
  • How existing attitudes, behaviors, and competences might be impacting their effectiveness
  • The extent to which your existing systems and processes might be holding you back
  • Which programs have the potential to deliver the greatest positive impact on performance


About Objective Management Group (OMG)

Objective Management Group (OMG) are the leading global provider of sales team analyses, salesperson evaluations, and sales candidate assessments. OMG has evaluated and assessed more than 2,200,000 salespeople, sales managers, and sales leaders across more than 33,000 global sales organizations, generating a unique set of benchmarks that can be used to prioritize key areas for sales performance improvement.



Why did we choose to partner with OMG?

  • Unlike traditional general-purpose assessment programs, OMG’s solutions are sales-specific, covering 21 competencies that measure each individual’s tactical Selling Skills, Sales DNA, and Will to Sell
  • OMG’s solutions are role-specific, and can be configured to address the full range of sales responsibilities, such as account management, new business, business development, channel/partner management and so on
  • As well as assessing individuals, OMG’s Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis (SEIA) reports on the organization as a whole - highlighting team-wide opportunities for improvement
  • OMG’s approach has been demonstrated to have exceptional predictive validity - measured to be more than 4 times more effective than traditional behavioral or personality assessments

Given the very significant costs and consequences of making a bad sales hire, we believe that serious sales organizations cannot afford not to use OMG’s candidate assessments.

To find out more, please download the samples, drop us a line or book a zoom call.

Key OMG Deliverables

Systems and Processes Assessment

In addition to OMG’s offerings, we also conduct a direct analysis of our client’s existing sales systems and processes - covering areas such as:

  • Existing sales stages, processes, and metrics
  • Opportunity management guidelines
  • Opportunity qualification criteria
  • Pipeline and forecast management
  • Sales methodology and training
  • New hire onboarding

To find out more about our evidence-based approach to evaluating your sales force, your sales systems and your sales processes please contact us, drop us a line or book a call using the form below.

Find out More - Book a Call


Would you like to learn more about Outcome-Centric Selling®, and explore its potential in your own sales organisation? Here's how to book a call:

  1. Start by selecting a date in the panel on the right
  2. Then choose how long you want to meet for
  3. Then choose your local timezone under "what time works best"
  4. Then choose a time for our call
  5. Then provide your details

You'll receive an email confirmation by return. BTW, the system uses a 24-HOUR CLOCK - i.e., 03:00 equals 3am in your local timezone (and not 3pm).


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