Objective Management Group (OMG) are the leading global provider of sales team analyses, salesperson evaluations, and sales candidate assessments. OMG has evaluated and assessed more than 2,200,000 salespeople, sales managers, and sales leaders across more than 33,000 global sales organizations, generating a unique set of benchmarks that can be used to prioritize key areas for sales performance improvement.
Given the very significant costs and consequences of making a bad sales hire, we believe that serious sales organizations cannot afford not to use OMG’s candidate assessments.
To find out more, please download the samples, drop us a line or book a zoom call.
In addition to OMG’s offerings, we also conduct a direct analysis of our client’s existing sales systems and processes - covering areas such as:
To find out more about our evidence-based approach to evaluating your sales force, your sales systems and your sales processes please contact us, drop us a line or book a call using the form below.
Would you like to learn more about Outcome-Centric Selling®, and explore its potential in your own sales organisation? Here's how to book a call:
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