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    Blog Category // Complex Sales (4)

    Mastering the Close Date Conundrum

    Predicting close dates is one of the most challenging aspects of accurate forecasting in complex sales environments. It’s ...

    If you’re late to the B2B party, you need to disrupt it!

    You’ve been invited to a friend’s long-anticipated party. But something delays you along the way, and you arrive late - long ...

    Complex Sales: How Solution Category affects Organisational Structure

    One of the critical questions that every expansion-phase B2B focused company needs to consider is “what’s the most ...

    Complex sales challenges: balancing capability and reputation

    What happens if you’re competing against a much less advanced solution from a company with a much better established ...

    The 2 critical factors behind B2B sales forecast confidence

    Regular readers will recall that I am no great fan of the default approach taken by so many CRM vendors, in which individual ...

    Why it’s best to say “no” before your prospect does

    Many sales people seem to have an abiding fear of hearing the word “no”. As a result, they go to often-extraordinary lengths ...

    The Buyer’s Journey: Why Change? > What To? > Why You?

    It’s awfully hard for many sales people to resist the “itch to pitch” when they come across a prospect that seems a perfect ...

    B2B Sales: are you compelling enough to close?

    I’ve come to believe that it’s essential to separate B2B sales opportunities into two categories: in the first group (let’s ...

    Why sales forecasts go wrong - and what to do about it...

    I hope that you enjoyed the holiday season, and are returning to work re-energised and determined to achieve some ambitious ...

    Why untested assumptions will kill your Q4 closes

    It's the 22nd November, we're well into Q4 and for many organisations - and many B2B sales people - that haven't yet ...