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    What's Your Customer-Specific Differentiating Value?

    Bob Apollo
    Post by Bob Apollo
    May 27, 2020
    What's Your Customer-Specific Differentiating Value?

    Tom Pisello EvolversI thoroughly enjoyed talking with Tom Pisello of the Evolved Selling Institute as his guest on the EVOLVERS Podcast on the subject of "Articulating Your Differentiating Value, a Requirement in a Tight Economy".

    We covered a wide range of topics, including the need to focus on issues that are both strategically relevant and tactically urgent, for which our approach is capable of delivering rapid-time-to-value and the importance of elevating the cost of inaction...

    The key takeaways from our conversation? Unless the opportunities you are currently working on are associated with a clear and urgent need and can be shown to deliver tangible value and clear business outcomes, they probably won't get seriously considered much less approved.

    You can listen to the entire podcast below.

    Please let me know what you think about the concepts that Tom and I discussed and - if you haven't already done so - be sure to download our latest guide to outcome-centric selling.


    bob_apollo-online-1Bob Apollo is a Fellow of the Association of Professional Sales, a founding contributor to the International Journal of Sales Transformation, an active member of the Sales Experts Channel and the Sales Enablement Society, and the driving force behind Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners, the leading proponents of outcome-centric selling.

    Following a successful corporate career spanning start-ups, scale-ups and market leaders, Bob now works as a strategic advisor, mentor, trainer and coach to ambitious B2B sales organisations - teaching them how to differentiate themselves through their provably superior approach to achieving their customer's desired outcomes.

    Bob Apollo
    Post by Bob Apollo
    May 27, 2020
    Bob Apollo is a Fellow of the Institute of Sales Professionals, a regular contributor to the International Journal of Sales Transformation and Top Sales World Magazine, and the driving force behind Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners, the leading proponents of outcome-centric selling. Following a successful corporate career spanning start-ups, scale-ups and market leaders, Bob now works as a strategic advisor, mentor, trainer and coach to ambitious B2B sales organisations - teaching them how to differentiate themselves through their provably superior approach to achieving their customer's desired outcomes.
