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    Blog Category // B2B Buying Process (6)

    B2B Complex Sales: the 4 states of the buying decision mindset

    Are your prospects Painting by Numbers, on a Quest for the Grail, Lost in the Fog, or running around like Headless Chickens? ...

    Connecting the Buyer's Journey, Your Pipeline and Your Revenue Goals

    The changing shape of the buyer's journey has introduced a raft of new issues for sales leaders who are trying to manage ...

    B2B sales: it’s your prospect’s proposal that matters, not yours!

    In most complex B2B sales environments, a proposal plays a significant part in the decision making process. But it’s not ...

    Why top sales people focus on priorities - not needs

    When I started my sales career, I was taught that I should focus on identifying my prospect’s needs. Later, when I started ...

    Who should own the funnel: sales or marketing? [includes video]

    Kudos to the team at Econsultancy for an excellent event last week at Funnel 2012. I gave a keynote presentation on the ...

    Why the COI (Cost of Inaction) always needs to come before the ROI (Return on Investment)

    If you’re selling high-value B2B products or services, you’ve probably been involved in coming up with ROI (return on ...

    Neil Rackham on the changing face of B2B buying

    Neil Rackham - the inventor of SPIN Selling - offered some of his thoughts on the changing face of B2B buying in a recent ...

    Are you appealing to budget makers or budget takers?

    Are your sales and marketing messages targeted at budget makers or budget takers? In most complex, high value sales ...

    4 distinctively different states of the B2B buying decision process

    I’ve written before about the Buyer’s Journey, and about the stages that your b2b prospects go through in their buying ...

    What’s holding your business back? Try this 12-point action framework

    What would happen if you were able to double your sales and marketing resources overnight? Assuming that you haven’t already ...