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    Blog Category // Analytics

    Is this the most counterproductive sales metric?

    If we’re driven by data and interested in statistics, there are a wide range of sales metrics we can choose to monitor. ...

    Selling in the Age of Analytics

    It would be hard to argue against the idea that we’re living in an age of analytics. For many large organisations selling to ...

    McKinsey on applying analytics to make the most of your sales resources

    I recently had the privilege of interviewing Homayoun Hatami and Holger Hürtgen of McKinsey about the ground-breaking ...

    The keys to Improving Sales Forecast Accuracy

    As we're all very well aware, complex sales are complicated. There are subject to a wide range of factors that are outside ...

    Modern Selling - Art, Science AND Engineering

    B2B selling has become increasingly complex. Every sales leader today understands this, and it’s obvious we need to take ...