If your prospective customer is seriously evaluating a new project that involves both a significant investment and a change to their existing approach or environment, it is close-to-inevitable that they will be seeking clear answers to 4 key questions (and a clear consensus ...
I recently participated in a webinar with LeveragePoint on the subject of “establishing a value-centric culture in your B2B ...
It's been a while since my last blog, but I'm pleased to be returning to the action with an article that I wrote for the ...
This article was first published in the latest edition (issue 8.1 - January 2022) of the International Journal of Sales ...
I believe that it would be hard to argue that B2B selling hasn't changed significantly in recent times - and equally hard to ...
I was delighted to be asked to contribute the following article to the International Journal of Sales Transformation's ...
Marketers are keen to create what they refer to as “unique selling propositions”. According to Wikipedia, a unique selling ...
This article was first published in the October Edition of Top Sales Magazine. Many of you will be familiar with the idea of ...
At a time when the level of public trust in the UK's elected politicians has never been lower, it's an opportunity to ...
How many stakeholders are involved in the typical complex high-value B2B buying journey? It’s fair to say that the number is ...