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    Blog Category // Value Selling System (4)

    The Persuasive Power of a Mutual Success Plan

    As Gartner and others have frequently pointed out, B2B buying decisions are often complicated. If the problem to be solved ...

    Hope is not a strategy - and ignorance is no excuse

    Why do apparently promising sales opportunities go wrong so often? Why do close dates speed past, get reset and then repeat ...

    Familiar vs. Unfamiliar Purchases

    Sales consultants often make the distinction between transactional and complex sales. Transactional sales - whatever their ...

    Understanding Your Customer's Decision Journey

    It’s falsely comforting to think of selling as a process in which one step follows logically after another. But although ...

    A Progressive Approach to Sales Opportunity Qualification [that isn't BANT]

    Like a growing number of other commentators, I have come to believe that the traditional BANT (Budget, Authority, Need and ...

    Over 40% of projects are ad-hoc: another nail in the coffin of BANT

    It surprises and shocks me how many sales organisations still regard BANT as a practical way of qualifying sales ...

    From Sales Process to Buying Journey

    The idea of a “sales process” has been around since long before I was offered my first sales role. The concept has been ...

    If you really want to shorten your sales cycle, slow down!

    If the conversations I’ve been having with sales leaders recently are anything to go by, our sales pipelines are full of ...

    Successful Selling = Intelligent Choices, not Fixed Formulas

    I’ve just spent a few minutes completing the annual survey from one of the world’s most widely respected sales training ...

    No sales plan survives first contact with the customer

    Military leaders have long recognised the importance of planning. But they have also recognised that it is the act of ...