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The Outcome-Centric Selling® experts

This video summarises our proven 4-step approach to rapidly putting Outcome-Centric Selling® principles into practice in your sales organisation:

  • Assess and evaluate your people, processes and systems and agree priorities for improvement
  • Adapt and develop our Outcome-Centric Selling® toolkit to reflect your unique sales environment
  • Train your salespeople to adopt Outcome-Centric Selling® into their day-to-day activities
  • Reinforce and sustain the initial gains through a programme of continuous improvement

Scroll down to learn more about each of these elements, and about our strategic partnerships with Objective Management Group - the world's leading specialist salesforce assessment organisation, and Membrain - widely recognised as the leading sales effectiveness platform for complex B2B sales environments...

[1] Assess: your people, systems and processes

We'll start the process by systematically assessing your sales organisation's current situation, establishing your desired outcomes and success metrics and identifying any obstacles that might lie in the way.

We use Objective Management Group's world-class evidence-based sales force assessment tools to objectively evaluate the current strengths and weaknesses of both individual salespeople and your sales organisation as a whole. This is a critical foundation for identifying and agreeing your development priorities, and for getting the best possible return on your investment in performance improvement.

And, of course, we'll want to evaluate your current sales processes and systems - including your CRM implementation - as well as the planning frameworks, messages and tools your salespeople are using in their day-to-day customer engagement. This typically includes interviews with a representative cross-section of your sales team.

Assess 2


[2] Adapt: your outcome-centric selling toolkit



We'll take everything we've learned from the assessment process and merge this with what we've been observing in terms of the latest emerging outcome-centric selling best practices to create your own company-specific sales playbook.

At minimum, this will include a clearly defined outcome-centric framework for understanding and facilitating your customer's buying decision process and for progressively advancing towards a successful conclusion through a series of verifiable milestones and checkpoints.

This will be supported by a series of simple but effective customised tools to help your salespeople identify and target the right sort of customers, to accurately qualify sales opportunities, to identify and assess all the key stakeholders, to craft a customer-specific value story and agree a mutual success plan - combined with simple yet clear territory, account, opportunity and conversation plans.

[3] Train: equip and motivate your team

By the time we arrive at the "adopt" point (which, if we organise ourselves effectively, can be reached in just a few short weeks), we'll be in a position to introduce your new outcome-centric selling framework to your entire sales organisation, starting with the sales managers who are going to be so important in providing day-to-day support and reinforcement.

The new approach is, of course, much more likely to be adopted if we present it as a way of making your salespeople's and sales manager's lives easier and more productive, rather than just yet another bunch of new stuff you want them to adopt.

This often includes identifying and eliminating some of the existing non-value creating activities that are not ultimately contributing to either their or your success. Adoption is most effective when it is focused on doing a few (of the right) things well...



[4] Reinforce: maintain and amplify the gains...



The launch of your new programme is of course only the start of a journey towards continuous improvements in sales effectiveness, supported by the effective processes, systems and metrics.

If you've chosen to implement the Outcome-Centric Selling® edition of Membrain's award-winning B2B sales enablement CRM, you'll have a wealth of actionable analytics at your disposal - or we'll work with you to integrate Outcome-Centric Selling® into your existing CRM.

And, naturally, we'd hope to have earned the right to continue to act as a trusted advisor and to continue to play our role in continuing to accelerate your sales momentum.

Strategic Partnerships

Our strategic partnerships with the Objective Management Group and Membrain offer critical foundations for successfully implementing an effective, sustainable and scalable outcome-centric selling initiative in your sales organisation

Objective Management Group

Objective Management Group (OMG) are the world's leading specialist sales performance assessment and evaluation company. Their approach scientifically measures 21 core sales competencies, with over 2 million salespeople evaluated and an unrivalled range of industry- and role-specific benchmarks.

Our clients have had great success in using OMG's methodology to both assess potential new sales hires and to establish training and development priorities for their existing sales organisations.

You can learn more about the data behind the science of sales candidate assessments and sales force evaluations - and explore how your own organisation compares - here and watch their latest webinar here. If you'd like to know more, book a Zoom call here.

OMG Headshot

Membrain CRM

Membrain Logo 2021

Membrain's multiple award-winning sales enablement platform provides a complete guidance system for complex B2B sales environments, focusing on the key things salespeople need to know and do at every step in the customer's buying decision journey to maximise their chances of success, spanning prospecting, opportunity management and account growth.

The Outcome-Centric Selling® Edition of Membrain is pre-configured to reflect a range of typical B2B buying journeys and includes key elements of our outcome-centric sales playbook. To arrange a demonstration and to learn more about how Membrain could enable your sales force to become more effective, book a Zoom call here.

Applying an outcome-centric approach to complex B2B Sales

Our Outcome-Centric Selling® framework enables you to align your marketing, business development, sales and customer success functions around the common goal of convincing customers that you - above any other option they may be considering - are the partner that will ensure they achieve better future outcomes.

To learn more about our distinctively different approach, book a call today

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...or if you prefer to drop me a line, you can reach me at bob@inflexion-point.com